by Shing02
main logo by COOK
infographs by Shing02 (urban demographics)
human illustration by Yasushi Matsui
food article by Ariko Moriya
calligraphy by Aoi Yamaguchi
BAKIBAKI by Kohei Yamao
Shing02 (しんごつー) / 安念真吾 (あんねんしんご)
UC Berkeley B.S. EECS (UCバークレー校 電気工学 / コンピュータサイエンス科卒)
special thanks :
Hitomi Kamanaka, Tetsunari Iida, Daniel Hersch, Marion Fulk, Leuren
Moret, Robert Andreux,
Christopher Starks, Anthony Bisset, Yasushi Kitamura, Tatsuya Hasebe,
Antonio Kamiya,
Shimpei Takeda, Keisuke Hiei, Aya Nishina, family, friends, and countless
others who contributed to this report.
knowledge reigns supreme, fight the power.
感想・質問: info@e22.com
参考資料 / Select Bibliogprahy:
Radicals In Biology and Medicine (Fourth Edition)
by Barry Halliwell and John M.C.Gutteridge
and Health - A History
J. Newell Stannard |
of Metals
edited by Louis W. Chang, with Laszlo Magos, Tsuguyoshi Suzuki |
Ecological Developmental
Biology Integrating Epigenetics, Medicine, and Evolution
by Scott F. Gilbert, David Epel
Stress and Antioxidant Defenses in Biology
edited by Sami Ahmad |
Cell Survival
After Low Does of Radiation: Theoretical and Clinical Implications
The Institute of Physics / John Wiley and Sons |
Atomic Medicine
edited by Charles F. Behrens, M.D. |
& Health
Thormod Hernriksen and H. David Maillie |
American Institute
of Physics Handbook, third edition |
参考HP:ICRP、IAEA、UNESCARその他、wikipediaなどオンライン文献多数 |